Determine the wrap function (Applicable Products: AZ Series)

The warp function automatically preset the position information of the current position when the number of revolutions of the motor output shaft exceeds the set range.
In this support tool, determine the warp function by inputting the customer's condition. In addition, with the determination of the wrap function, calculate the set value of the electronic gear and the wrap setting range. Please use this as a support tool for start-up of the device.

Determine from the mechanism (If you would like to set the warp function)

Enter the setting value

Gear Ratio
*If it is DGII Series, please enter the number, "18."

Degree per pulse at the load side [deg] (Basic step angle)
Angle in which you would like to reset at the load
side [deg]
Use an external transmission mechanism

(If you select "Yes," please input the following details as at below.)

a. Diameter of pulley or number of teeth at the
load side
b. Diameter of pulley or number of teeth at the
motor side

Display of the calculation result


Calculation of the setting condition
of the parameter

The condition ① result
The condition ② result
Setting value of electronic gear
and the warp setting range

Electronic gear A
Electronic gear B
Resolution of motor output shaft
Warp setting range [rev]

The calculation result

Determine from the setting value (If the wrap setting is set completely)

Enter the setting value

Electronic gear A
Electronic gear B
Warp setting range [rev]

Display of the calculation result


Determination of the setting condition
of the parameter

The condition ① result
The condition ② result
The result of motor output
shaft resolution

Motor output shaft resolution

The calculation result

Value that can be set in the "Initial coordinate generation & wrap setting range" parameter

Value that can be set in the "Initial coordinate generation & wrap setting range" parameter is only divisors of "900" or "1800" in the following table.
If input other value different from the below table value, there will be alarm triggered from the wrap setting error.


The value that is highlighted in bold cannot be set if the motor frame size is 20mm/28mm.