Speed Conversion

You can convert pulse speed [HZ] ⇔ rotational speed [r/min] or belt and pulley linear speed [m/min].[m/sec].[mm/sec] ⇔ motor rotation speed [r/min]
Please use it as support tool for motor selection or setting up your machine.
Calculation results are displayed after you enter the setting number and press the "Calculate" button.

Speed Conversion

Calculate from pulse speed [HZ] to
rotational speed [r/min]

Traveling amount per pulse θS : [deg]
Pulse speed f : [Hz]
Rotation speed NM : [r/min]
Round off to two decimal places

Calculation formula from
  pulse speed "f" [HZ] to
  rotational speed "NM" [r/min]

Calculate from rotational speed [r/min] to
pulse speed [HZ]

Traveling amount per pulse θS : [deg]
Rotation speed NM : [r/min]
Pulse speed f : [Hz]
Round off the closest whole number

Calculation formula from
  rotational speed "NM" [r/min] to
  pulse speed "f" [HZ]

Calculate the motor rotation speed [r/min] based on belt and pulley operation speed [m/min].[m/sec].[mm/sec]

Belt and pulley operation speed V :
Diameter of driven roller DR : [mm]
Diameter or number
of teeth of 1st pulley
D1 : [mm] (case of dimension)
Diameter or number
of teeth of 2nd pulley
D2 : [mm] (case of dimension)
Motor rotation speed NM : [r/min]
Round off to two decimal places

Calculation formula from belt pulley operation speed "V" [m/min].[m/sec].[mm/sec] to
  motor rotation speed "NM" [r/min]

Calculate the belt and pulley operation speed [m/min].[m/sec].[mm/sec] based on motor rotation speed [r/min]

Motor rotation speed NM : [r/min]
Diameter of driven roller DR : [mm]
Diameter or number
of teeth of 1st pulley
D1 : [mm] (case of dimension)
Diameter or number
of teeth of 2nd pulley
D2 : [mm] (case of dimension)
Belt and pulley
operation speed
V : [m/min]
Round off to two decimal places

Calculation formula from motor rotation speed "NM" [r/min] to
  belt pulley operation speed "V" [m/min].[m/sec].[mm/sec]