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Oriental Motor Asia Pacific Pte. Ltd. > Q&A > Stepping Motors Qn 19: I have your CVK series driver, CVD223-K, upon connecting up the driver I have noticed some burnt marks/smells after turning on my PLC, my PLC inputs 24VDC. What could be the issue?
Stepping Motors: I have your CVK series driver, CVD223-K, upon connecting up the driver I have noticed some burnt marks/smells after turning on my PLC, my PLC inputs 24VDC. What could be the issue?
Question 19: I have your CVK series driver, CVD223-K, upon connecting up the driver I have noticed some burnt marks/smells after turning on my PLC, my PLC inputs 24VDC. What could be the issue?

Answer :

For our printed circuit board-type drivers, a current limiting resistor is required. Take for example the driver you are using, if you were to input 24VDC to the CW/CCW inputs, the current input should not exceed 5mA ~ 15mA. Exceeding this value will cause damages to be inflicted on the driver itself.

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